by Admin | Letters, Uncategorized |

The Covid-19 crisis has forced us to stay home. This is a good time to take inventory of products you have bought in the past or currently which have not lived up to your expectations. A great example is the following reply to a letter sent online using the “Contact Us” page for Farmer John, after attempting to return a product and being refused a refund by the market in which it was purchased.
Dear XXXX;
Thank you for contacting us about your recent experience with our Farmer John Bacon. I am sorry that upon opening the package you found mold on the bacon. We take pride in the products we make and we take consumer feedback seriously. I reported your concern to our quality team where they can take the appropriate action to address it.
I understand it is frustrating when you purchase something and it is not what you expected and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this caused. I hope you will use the enclosed coupons to give our products another try in the future.
Thank you for sharing your concerns and for giving us the opportunity to make amends.
Consumer Affairs Specialist
2 Save $7.00 on one Farmer John Product
by Admin | resources |
by Admin | Uncategorized |
How many times a week do you purchase a product because you know the name brand because you’ve seen it advertised or recommended over another product or manufacturer?
How many times a week does a product you’ve purchased because of its brand name underperform or disappoint you?
When you are disappointed, do you:
A) Throw the item away?
B) Attempt to repair the item?
C) Contact the manufacturer?
Did you know that most large companies have a customer service department?
And that smaller companies have at least one person designated to handle customer service inquiries?
Their purpose is to make sure you are satisfied with your purchase.
For $5.00 I will teach you how and why to write a customer complaint letter that gets results.
By results, I mean you will at least feel better after you’ve written the letter. I will show you step by step how to write a letter that will be read and responded to.
You will choose to throw the item away only after exploring the other options I will teach you. You will throw it away as a last resort. By holding companies accountable to making quality products, we thereby reduce waste due to poor quality and planned obsolescence. Stay tuned. This website is for you.